Earn up to 12% interest on your funds

Turn your assets into profit with up to 12% APR when you trade with Actusfinancials.

Loyalty status
Interest rate
$200 -$4999
1.2% Daily for 5 Days
$5000 - $14,999
1.56% Daily for 10 Days
$15,000 - $44,999
1.83% Daily for 13 Days
$45,000 - $99,999
2.03% Daily for 18 Days
$100,000 - $499,999
2.25% Daily for 22 Days
$500,000 - Unlimited
2.50% Daily for 30 Days

Trade more to earn more interest on your crypto

The annualised interest rate depends on your loyalty status.
Here's how it works

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Interest programme FAQ

How can I earn 12% annual interest on my funds?

The 'Deposit Interest Rate Programme' activates as soon as you achieve a loyalty programme status above Standard. A client's loyalty status determines the interest rate they receive.

What is the duration of the programme? For how long will this interest rate be applied?

Interest is applied 30 days from the start of the programme.

How much interest is applied? Do I need to hold funds in a particular cryptocurrency?

The total interest to be paid is calculated based on the overall balance on all accounts minus funds involved in trading and bonus funds accrued at the end of the day. Interest is calculated on the account's total balance every day at 21:00 GMT.

What happens if my status rises during the programme?

If your status changes within 30 days of accruing interest, the interest rate applied will be changed accordingly, starting from the day your status changes until the end of the programme.

When will I receive my interest payout?

All interest accrued by the client is paid out in one payment 30 days from the date interest begins to accrue. The payout is made in USDT credited to the client's USDT account.

Coinmarketcap logo

CoinMarketCap lists Auctusfinancial as the #1 interest rate provider for crypto traders

Blockchain Association within the Financial Commission

Auctusfinancial is a member of theĀ Blockchain Association of the Financial Commission

The eauropean logo

The European lists Auctusfinancial as the Cryptocurrency Trading and Exchange Platform of The Year

Earn interest in just 4 steps

Register icon

Register in the app or on the web platform.

Deposit icon

Trade and get status Gold or higher.

Interest on deposit icon

Receive your deposit interest after 30 days.

Wallet icon

The interest will be deposited in your USDT trading account.

Interest is credited daily to the total remaining balance of all accounts, excluding funds used in trades and any end-of-day bonus funds. The funds to pay this interest come from the Swaps commissions that every trader on the platform pays (14% annually).

*Limit: the maximum amount for which interest can be credited is 50,000 USDT.

Receive guaranteed interest on your deposits
